Blue Shark   ( Prionace  glauca )                                               back     home
Blue shark

The blue shark sometimes called the (blue pointer) are a large pelagic fish. They are typically oceanic, though they but may come in shore and may on ocasions be seen around New Zealand exepting the far south. They are also wide spread in all tropical to cool temperate oceans.

The blue shark has a sleek, long tapered body with a elongated caudal fin. They also have long pointed fins, a pointed snout, and large eyes. This helps makes it a graceful swimmer.

These sharks are among the fastest swimming sharks and can even leap out of the water.
conservative estimates are about 35kph or 22mph. To date that I know of, there hasn't been enough experimentation on their speeds to have an definitive answer.

The blue shark is a vivid blue colour above and white below.

Blue sharks often form large same sex groups, being either all male or all female. The sharks in these groups (schools) are normally also about the same size.

Their teeth are pointed and serrated. This enables the shark to catch slippery squid and fish, the main part of their diet.

The blue shark is an opportunistic feeder, this means it will eat almost anything, Though it's main diet consists mostly of squid.

Their teeth are located in rows which rotate into use as needed.
The first two rows are used in obtaining prey, the other rows rotate into place as they are needed like as in being lost, broken, or worn down.
Their teeth are serrated, with the upper ones curved.

Blue sharks grow to be up to about 3.8mts or 12.5' long.

The Blue sharks litters consist of 4 to 135 pups. The number of pups increases as the size of the mother increases. The gestation period is almost 1 year. Females are mature at 5 years old.

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