The Bluefin Tuna is a large bony fish and is the largest tuna. The body of the bluefin tuna is cigar shaped and robust, The head is conical and the mouth rather large.
The Bluefin Tuna lives for about 40 years.
The Bluefin tuna, unlike the other species range throughout the North eastern Pacific Ocean and Worldwide in all but the coldest seas. The Southern Bluefin lives in the Southern Hemisphere from about 30° to 50° Latitude South.
The Bluefin can accelerate to speeds of up to 50kph or 35 mph, when chasing prey or being hunted themselves.
Bluefin tuna are pelagic fish that often travel in large schools, especially when they are young. However when they mature they tent to swim in groups of around 40 or so.
The Bluefin Tuna is dark blue to almost black above and light silver below. There is a yellow line from the snout along half of the body.
The Bluefin tuna can be easily distinguished from other tuna because of the relatively short length of their pectoral fins.
The diet of bluefin tuna includes a variety of pelagic anImals especially anchovies and squid.
They normally grow to be about 2mts or 6 ft long and weigh about 135kg or 300lbs.
The recorded Weight of a bluefin is 224kg or 495lbs in the Pacific Ocean, and a whopping 680kgs or 1,500lbs in the Atlantic Ocean.
The Bluefin Tuna matures at about 8 years old, when it has reached a length of about 1.5mts or 5ft.