Hapuka (Groper) (Polyprion   oxygeneios)                        back     home
HapukaHapuka could be described as a large mouthed, rather heavy-bodied stocky solid fish. It is found throughout the whole of New Zealand around rocky reefs to a depth of over 200 metres.

It grows to around 5' or 150 cm in length with a weight of 100 kg. It is often dully coloured in dark greens or browns, though can have lighter colours and white spots over it's entire body. It has a slender but solid body with a pointed head and longer lower jaw and has large gills.

Hapuka have 10 sharp dorsal spines on their back followed by softer ones further back, and soft ones on their underside.

The Hapuka is a preditory fish that tend to remain in discrete rocky areas. It eats small fish and squid.

After spawning the young hapuka migrate to the shallows, I have seen often them of Cape Karikari in the North in around 12' or 4 metres of water.