Pigfish(Congiopodus  leucopaecilus )                                                                  back     home
PigfishThe Pigfish is found mainly around the east cost of the north island in New Zealand. This fish is usually found on offshore reefs at depths of up to 150' or 50 metres. I have mostly seen them around 30 metres often over sand or rubble.

The pigfish has a moderately large mouth and thick lips.

They are a red pinkish colour above and their sides with a pinkish to white area on the underside below the dorsal fin. There is a number of darker stripes running the full length of the body and black marking on the dorsal fin spines.

The young Pigfish are a pinkish colour with thin stripes on the sides of the body and red lines on the head.

Pigfish grow to a little over a foot or 35 cm in length, however they can grow to around 45 cm and weigh up to to 14 lb or 6 kg .

The young pigfish are planctonic eaters whilst the adults are carnivores eating amphipods, shrimps, and other smaller organisms.

A pinkish-red fish with a number of darker stripes running the full length of the body. The male form has a verydistinctive black blotch on the dorsal fin which is a pinkish colour and extends to the tail fin. It has a moderately large mouth and thick lips.