Tarakihi (Nemadactylus  macropterus)                                                           back     home
TarakihiTarakihi is a common fish found all around the coasts of New Zealand, however it is found more abundantly in the cooler waters south of the East Cape.

This fish is normally found off shore over muddy bottoms out to depths of 700' or 150 metres, but smaller sizes enter shallow and rocky ground and can be found at times close inshore.

It is a silvery white fish with a prominent blackish stripe mark behind the head. The mouth is small, somewhat turned down, and the pectoral fin has one long ray extending back beyond the vent.This fish also has a large v shaped tail.

The Average length of this fish is about 15" or 35-45 cm although they can grow to around 60 cm in length.

They have a average weight of around 4 lb or 1.8kg.

The Tarakihi eats small animals such as shrimps, small crabs, and mud worms.