Yellowfin Tuna are not only found in New Zealand waters, they occur worldwide in warm tropical and subtropical seas. They are also widley distributed in the Pacific Ocean.
The body of the yellowfin tuna tapers at both ends (cigar-shaped), and the head is conical.
The color of the yellowfin is a dark brownish blue to dark yellow colour on the back, becoming gray or whitish below.
The yellowfin has pectoral fins which do not extend past the anal fin, while the bigeye being simmilar, the pectoral fins extend well past the anal fin.
The diet of the yellowfin tuna includes juvenile fishes, crustaceans, and squid. They are opportunistic feeders taking whatever is most available in the area.
The yellowfin tuna, much like the skipjack spawn in waters south in the eastern Pacific and spawning also takes place during the summer months.
The average length 60-120 cm, or just over 2-4 ft.
The young fish grow very rapidly and by the time they are 1.5 years old they weigh around 3.5kg or 7.5 lbs. At 4 years old they weigh approximately 68kg or 150lbs. The largest yellowfin tuna taken are 10 or more years old.